Originally posted on July 20, 2019 @ 2:03 pm

Hiking in Tuscany presents you with a glorious dilemma: which stunning area will you explore first?

Within its 23,000 square kilometers, this diverse Italian vacationland features everything that makes a hiker’s heart beat faster.

In the north, you’ll find a nearly unspoiled, rugged alpine region; in the south, the spectacular island of Elba.

In between, the numerous well-developed and documented hiking trails in Tuscany lead you through idyllic cypress groves and fertile wine-growing areas.


Along the way, you’ll feast on culinary delicacies of Mediterranean cuisine, and you’ll learn a bit about the culture of central Italy, steeped in tradition.

Hikes in Tuscany offer amazing variety

The classic image of Tuscany – olive groves, cypress trees, and vineyards – can mainly be found between Florence and Siena, in the so-called Chianti area.

But hikes in Tuscany take you through even more varied types of scenery. You can meander across fields of grain and sunflowers, roam through medieval villages and explore Etruscan caves.

Hiking in Tuscany

One thing’s for sure: you won’t run out of diverse scenes to photograph. Steep marble mountains in the Apuan Alps await you, as do rolling hills in the Crete Senesi and coastal or alpine tours on Elba.

There’s something for every taste along the hiking trails of Tuscany.

Hiker’s Paradise in Tuscany: The Island of Elba

Hiking in Tuscany - Elba Island
Stunning Elba Island in Tuscany – perfect for hiking adventures

Hiking in Tuscany is not restricted to the mainland alone. The island of Elba, the scene of Napoleon’s exile, is an awesome addition to Tuscany’s hiking areas… and a highlight in itself.

It offers avid hikers stunning sea views from its jagged coastline, gaily colored flora and fauna and picturesque hills. In the summer, you can refresh yourself in the waters of the beautiful coves, recharging your batteries.

The Best Season for Hikes in Tuscany

The ideal months for your hiking vacation are May and June, but not just because of the pleasant temperatures.

The landscape breaks out in marvelous colors; orchids, gorse, maquis, and poppies are all at their best. There are even many sunny days in winter, making the evergreen-covered hilly areas glisten.

What’s more, temperatures don’t get low enough to make walking tours in Tuscany too challenging.

It’s only in July and August when temperatures can rise above 30° C, that most visitors prefer a trip to the beach over a hiking vacation in this region.

The Prettiest Hiking Trails in Tuscany

In Tuscany, both beginners and experienced hikers will find routes to suit them. If you want to go hiking with children in Tuscany, your best choice is one of the many idyllic hiking routes in the Chianti area.

Hiking in Chianti, Tuscany
Typical scenery in Chianti, Tuscany

If you’re looking for a bigger challenge, you’ll find it in the Apuan Alps, or by climbing Mount Capanne, the tallest mountain on the island of Elba.

If you accept those challenges, just be sure to bring sturdy footwear and weatherproof clothing.

Multi-day long-distance hikes are especially lovely. You can cross the entire region, from Florence to Pitigliano, in 14 days.

There are also many long-distance hiking trails and pilgrimage routes throughout the region, like St. Francis’s Way.

Hiking trails in Tuscany vary greatly depending on your altitude and distance from the sea, but they lead you through beautiful landscapes and nature reserves… places that will transform your hiking vacation into a very special experience.


hiking in tuscany
Hiking in Tuscany – What To Expect Pin 4

More information about Tuscany: https://www.visittuscany.com/en/

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